Friday, February 16, 2007

Other configurations considered

Before finalizing the decision to go with the Mac laptop, a friend and I discussed other wild-ass possibilities:
  • Windows (XP or Vista) as the core operating system, and a virtual Linux machine
  • Linux (Ubuntu) as the core operating system, and a virtual Windows machine
It always came back to how much care and feeding would be needed for any of these alternatives, and these discussions further solidified my decision to go with the Mac...

1 comment:

Nick Young said...

I had 4 years worth of experience with Linux. I loved the power of the OS, but got sick of dealing with custom drivers and and compiling software that I couldn't get in binary. Its just not worth the hassle. Especially when you can have the power of *inux with the usability of OS X. It just works! You are going to be extremely amazed when you get you MBP!