Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Spoof IE in Safari

I stole this tip from the September, 2007 issue of MacLife magazine. It allows you to make a website think your Safari web browser is Internet Explorer (IE) version 6.

  1. If running, close your Safari web browser.
  2. Launch a Terminal window (Application/Utilities/Terminal).
  3. Enter this command defaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeDebugMenu 1 and then press Return. This will enable the Debug menu in Safari.
  4. Close the Terminal window.
  5. Start your Safari web browser. You should see the additional Debug menu.
  6. Navigate to Debug -> User Agent and select Windows MSIE 6.0.
  7. Now, try using Safari with the Microsoft-centric website!

This approach may not work if the website has any ActiveX controls or similar, but it's worth a try. It worked reasonably well for me on the Quick Arrow website.

NOTE: You'll need to change the User Agent to Windows MSIE 6.0 each time you start Safari!