Friday, July 20, 2007

Nifty screen saver based on iTunes artwork

If you use iTunes on your Mac...

Navigate to System Preferences, click on Desktop & Screen Saver, click on the Screen Saver tab, and select the iTunes Artwork screen saver.

Right-click in Parallels

By default the Mac mouse is not setup to do right-clicks. To change this, open System Preferences and then click on Keyboard & Mouse. Enable the Secondary Button (right side of the mouse).

I sometimes find that right-click does not work in Parallels. If you encounter this problem too, hold down CTRL+SHIFT and left-click. This will emulate a right-click event.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Alternatives for Project and Visio

Visit the Omni Group and their OmniPlan and OmniGraffle products.

Unknown if the products are comparable to Project or Visio, if one can save to formats compatible with Project or Visio, etc.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Friday, July 6, 2007

Chat or IM apps

The August, 2007 edition of Mac Life magazine has a review of several chat/IM applications: Adium X, meebo, and Spark.

I've been using the native clients for Microsoft Messenger and Yahoo Messenger, but Adium X looks promising! I like that Adium X offers tabbed chats (one window, with one tab per chat).

Optimize your Entourage database

I always found it beneficial to periodically compress my .PST files for Outlook on a Windows computer. The same is true for the Entourage database on the Mac.

Begin by stopping Entourage. Then in Finder, navigate to Applications -> Microsoft Office 2004 -> Office and click on the Database Utility. Once the utility starts, select the desired identity (typically Main Identity) and select Compact Database.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Entourage's Project Center

Entourage includes the hidden gem Project Center (not available on Outlook in a Windows environment). I'm using Project Center to correlate tasks, calendar entries, emails, files, etc. to individual projects.

Read the Beginner's Guide article.

Connecting Entourage to

My move to the Mac and (ultimately) to Entourage initially meant I could not integrate Entourage to the CRM application

I have since found and installed the Maildrop application. Maildrop provides integration between Entourage and for email and Cases, but it does not provide synchronization between calendars.